Cornell Bowers College of Computing and Information Science
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Statistical Science


Statistics and data science is the overarching discipline concerned with everything related to learning from data. This includes developing and applying fundamental theory and methodology, decision-making under uncertainty, and the transformation of massive amounts of data into knowledge. 




The Statistical Science major provides an interdisciplinary academic program in the study of empirical quantitative reasoning in its scientific and social context. The major integrates the study of the three major themes in Statistical Science:mathematical statistics, applied statistics and computational statistics. The Statistical Science major has been designed to ensure that students have a firm grounding in both the major area as well as substantial depth in a particular applied area. In addition, it has been designed to support and encourage double majors through the requirement of an external specialization.


Learn more about all the majors and minors offered in Cornell Bowers CIS


For students interested in:

Actuarial science; applied and mathematical statistics; data mining and visualization; machine learning; statistical programming; solving problems through the science of learning from data; and measuring, controlling, and communicating uncertainty. 

Degree paths

Statistical Science major is open to College of Arts & Sciences students who earn a BA.

How is Statistical Science different from Biometry and Statistics?

The requirements and elective options for both degrees are identical. Each admitting college's degree requirements, however, are distinct. 

Where should I apply?

College of Arts & Sciences.


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