Questions regarding technical reporting requirements can be addressed to
NSF technical reports are submitted through, which at this time, may only be accessed by PIs and Co-PIs. SRAC will provide information about personnel supported on the grant upon request (or you may choose to find this information in CISIS).
Annual reports are due 90 days before the end of each project year; they are considered overdue if they have not been submitted and approved by the last day of the project year. Final reports (and project outcome reports) are due 120 days after the grant ends and are considered overdue if not submitted within those 120 days. Because reminders about reports are sent by NSF (and OSP in the case of final reports), SRAC does not track report due dates or remind PIs about when they are due, however if you let us know when your final report has been submitted, we can prevent the OSP reminders from being sent to you. Overdue reports will cause delays in proposal and award processing not only for you but also for all of your NSF Co-PIs.
For more information:
- Questions can always be addressed to (or drop by 107 Gates Hall)
- NSF FAQ - Meeting Technical Reporting Requirements
- Project Report Screenshots and Instructions
- Project Report Getting Started Guide