April 28, 2023
A third Cornell Information Science faculty member elected to the CHI Academy, a Societal Impact Award winner, and a whopping 27 affiliated papers – including a Best Paper and three Honorable Mentions – highlight Cornell University's impact at the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, the premier annual conference for human computer interaction scholars.
Below, preview the slate of leading research our faculty and students will present at CHI 2023 – happening April 23 through 28 in Hamburg, Germany.
Phoebe Sengers, professor of information science in the Cornell Ann S. Bowers College of Computing and Information Science and science & technology studies in the College of Arts and Sciences, has been elected to the CHI Academy, an honorary group of leading scholars in the field of human-computer interaction.
Nicola Dell, associate professor at the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute at Cornell Tech and in the Cornell Ann S. Bowers College of Computing and Information Science, has received the 2023 Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Computer–Human Interaction (SIGCHI) Societal Impact Award.
Paying the Price: When Intimate Partners Use Technology for Financial Harm
|| Authors: Rosanna Bellini of Cornell Tech
Embodying Physics-Aware Avatars in Virtual Reality || Authors: Yujie Tao (Stanford University), Cheng Yao Wang (Cornell), Andrew D Wilson (Microsoft Research), Eyal Ofek (Microsoft Research), and Mar Gonzalez-Franco (Microsoft Research)
Co-Writing with Opinionated Language Models Affects Users' Views || Authors: Maurice Jakesch (Cornell Tech), Advait Bhat (Microsoft Research India, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay), Daniel Buschek (University of Bayreuth), Lior Zalmanson (Tel Aviv University), and Mor Naaman (Cornell Tech)
“I normally wouldn’t talk with strangers”: Introducing a socio-spatial interface for fostering togetherness between strangers || Authors: Serena (Ge) Guo and Gilly Leshed (both of Cornell)
Communicating Consequences: Visual Narratives, Abstraction, and Polysemy in Rural Bangladesh || Authors: Sharifa Sultana (Cornell), Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed (University of Toronto), and Jeffrey M Rzeszotarski (Cornell)
Comparing Sentence-Level Suggestions to Message-Level Suggestions in AI-Mediated Communication || Authors: Liye Fu (Cornell), Benjamin Newman (Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence), Maurice Jakesch (Cornell), and Sarah Kreps (Cornell)
The "Conversation" about Loss: Understanding How Chatbot Technology was Used in Supporting People in Grief || Authors: Anna Xygkou (University of Kent), Panote Siriaraya (Kyoto Institute of Technology), Alexandra Covaci (University of Kent), Holly Gwen Prigerson (Weill Cornell Medicine), Robert Neimeyer (University of Memphis), Chee Siang Ang (University of Kent), and Wan-Jou She (Nara institute of Science and Technology)
Creator-friendly Algorithms: Behaviors, Challenges, and Design Opportunities in Algorithmic Platforms || Authors: Yoonseo Choi (KAIST), Eun Jeong Kang (Cornell), Min Kyung Lee (University of Texas at Austin), and Juho Kim (KAIST)
Decolonizing Content Moderation: Does Uniform Global Community Standard Resemble Utopian Equality or Western Power Hegemony? || Authors: Farhana Shahid and Aditya Vashistha (both of Cornell)
Designing for Peer-Led Critical Pedagogies in Computer-Mediated Support Groups for Home Care Workers || Authors: Anthony Poon (Cornell), Lourdes Guerrero (University of California San Diego), Julia Loughman (Tufts University), Matthew Luebke (Cornell), Ann Lee (1199SEIU Training and Employment Funds), Madeline Sterling (Weill Cornell Medicine), and Nicola Dell (Cornell Tech)
Designing Virtual Environments for Social Engagement in Older Adults: A Qualitative Multi-site Study || Authors: Tong Bill Xu (Cornell), Armin Mostafavi (Cornell), Benjamin C. Kim (Weill Cornell Medicine), Angella Anyi Lee (Cornell), Walter Boot (Florida State University), Sara Czaja (Weill Cornell Medicine), Saleh Kalantari (Cornell)
EchoSpeech: Continuous Silent Speech Recognition on Minimally-obtrusive Eyewear Powered by Acoustic Sensing || Authors: Ruidong Zhang, Ke Li, Yihong Hao, Yufan Wang, Zhengnan Lai, Francois Guimbretiere, and Cheng Zhang (all of Cornell)
Exploring Effects of Chatbot-based Social Contact on Reducing Mental Illness Stigma || Authors: Yi-Chieh Lee (National University of Singapore, NTT), Yichao Cui (Cornell Tech), Jack Jamieson (NTT), Wayne Fu (Google), and Naomi Yamashita (NTT, Kyoto University)
From Grasshoppers to Second-Hand Cars: Understanding Smartphone-Supported Enterprises in Peri-urban Tanzania || Authors: Ananditha Raghunath (University of Washington), Laurel Krovetz (Cornell), Hosea Mpogole (Institute of Rural Development Planning), Henry Mulisa (EDI Global), Brian Dillon (Cornell), and Richard Anderson (University of Washington)
Harnessing Biomedical Literature to Calibrate Clinicians’ Trust in AI Decision Support Systems || Authors: Qian Yang (Cornell), Yuexing Hao (Cornell), Kexin Quan (University of California, San Diego), Stephen Yang (Cornell), Yiran Zhao (Cornell Tech), Volodymyr Kuleshov (Cornell Tech), and Fei Wang (Weill Cornell Medicine)
InStitches: Augmenting Sewing Patterns with Personalize Material-Efficient Practice || Authors: Mackenzie Leake (MIT CSAIL), Kathryn Jin (MIT CSAIL), Abe Davis (Cornell), and Stefanie Mueller (MIT CSAIL)
"It is currently hodgepodge": Examining AI/ML Practitioners' Challenges during Co-production of Responsible AI Values || Authors: Rama Adithya Varanasi (Cornell) and Nitesh Goyal (Google)
KnitDema: Robotic Textile as Personalized Edema Mobilization Device || Authors: Jin Hee (Heather) Kim (Cornell), Joan Stilling (Weill Cornell Medicine), Michael Wayne O'Dell W O'Dell (Weill Cornell Medicine), and Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao (Cornell)
ReMotion: Supporting Remote Collaboration in Open Space with Automatic Robotic Embodiment || Authors: Mose Sakashita, Ruidong Zhang, Xiaoyi Li, Hyunju Kim, Michael Russo, Cheng Zhang, Malte F Jung, and Francois Guimbretiere (all of Cornell)
“Should I Follow the Human, or Follow the Robot?” — Robots in Power Can Have More Influence Than Humans on Decision-Making || Authors: Yoyo Tsung-Yu Hou, Wen-Ying Lee, and Malte F Jung (all of Cornell)
SkinPaper: Exploring Opportunities for Woven Paper as a Wearable Material for On-Skin Interactions || Authors: Jingwen Zhu, Nadine El Nesr, Nola Rettenmaier, and Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao (all of Cornell)
Studying Exploration and Long-term Use of Voice Assistants by Older Adults || Authors: Pooja Upadhyay (University of Maryland), Sharon Heung (Cornell), Shiri Azenkot (Cornell Tech), and Robin N. Brewer (University of Michigan)
SwellSense: Creating 2.5D interactions with micro-capsule paper || Authors: Tingyu Cheng (Interactive Computing), Zhihan Zhang (University of Michigan), Bingrui Zong (Georgia Institute of Technology), Yuhui Zhao (Georgia Institute of Technology), Zekun Chang (Cornell), Ye Jun Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology), Clement Zheng (National University of Singapore), Gregory D. Abowd (Northeastern University), and HyunJoo Oh (Georgia Institute of Technology).
“This machine is for the aides”: Tailoring Voice Assistant Design to Home Health Care Work || Authors: Vince Bartle, Liam Albright, and Nicola Dell (all of Cornell Tech)
Unmaking as Emancipation: Lessons and Reflections from Luddism || Authors: Samar Sabie (University of Toronto), Robert Soden (University of Toronto), Steven Jackson (Cornell), and Tapan Parikh (Cornell Tech)
Understanding Digital-Safety Experiences of Youth in the US || Authors: Diana Freed (Cornell), Natalie Bazarova (Cornell), Eunice Han (Cornell), Sunny Consolvo (Google), Patrick Gage Kelley (Google), Kurt Thomas (Google), and Dan Cosley of the National Science Foundation.
Why Johnny Can’t Prompt: How Non-AI Experts Try (and Fail) to Design LLM Prompts || Authors: J.D. Zamfirescu-Pereira (Berkeley), Richmond Y. Wong (Georgia Institute of Technology), Bjoern Hartmann (UC Berkeley), and Qian Yang (Cornell)