Each summer Cornell Computing and Information Science invites elite undergraduate students from China for a month-long program in Ithaca jointly hosted by the Departments of Computer Science at Zhiyuan College and Cornell University. The goal of the program is to introduce these students to Cornell to form relationships for internships and research opportunities that may lead to them applying as PhD students in the future. This year from July 12 through August 10, 28 students will attend two courses in computer science taught by CS professors David Gries, Michael Clarkson, and John Hopcroft. For the past two summers students have come primarily from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), one of the top five universities in China. This year CIS invited students from other top universities in China, including Tsinghua and the Huazhaong Univeristy of Science and Technology, as well students from other countries, such as Universidad Eafit in Columbia.