“Where’s the BOOM?” Award: Air Driano
- Sandeep Gangundi, Xiyu Wang, Marc Vaz
Sponsors' Awards
Bank of America: OpenComm
- Najla Elmachtoub, Risa Naka, Rahul Arora, Vinay Maloo, Ashley Sams, Jonathan Pullano
Cisco Innovation Award: OpenComm
- Najla Elmachtoub, Risa Naka, Rahul Arora, Vinay Maloo, Ashley Sams, Jonathan Pullano
GE Innovation Award: Libe Technologies
- Jeremy Blum, Lindsey Brous, Harris Nord, Kaitlin Uebele
Goldman Sachs: OpenComm
- Najla Elmachtoub, Risa Naka, Rahul Arora, Vinay Maloo, Ashley Sams, Jonathan Pullano
Morgan Stanley Innovation Award: Achieving Scalable Landmark Recognition on the Cloud through Isis2
- Scott Phung, Kaushik Nataraj, Shivendra Singh, Abdelrahman Kamel
Verizon Wireless: Libe Technologies
- Jeremy Blum, Lindsey Brous, Harris Nord, Kaitlin Uebele
Yahoo! Studnet Research Award: PopCore: Network Centric Recommendation
- Michael Triche, Amit Sharma